I have created this blog to discuss certain ideas and practices,etc. that can be grouped under the title of 'THE FOURTH WAY" with a QUESTION MARK because these are somewhat interpretations of what others have learned or thought about GURDJIEFF, whether falsely or not, distorted or accurate, or whether adding things or subtracting things in the usual way that people and machines often do.........Consequently, some of these things will overlap with other blogs that I have on similar topics, particularly on the Blog entitled, GURDJIEFF'S CHILDREN of whom many are here....however, there is also another focus on OUSPENKI that needs, in the eyes of many, and especially by those drawn or exposed to Ouspensky and his works, and who may have come to the 'ideas','the system', 'the work',etc as I did, via the works and writings of Ouspensky...and this will perhaps give ampl treatment to such....
I have created this blog to discuss certain ideas and practices,etc. that can be grouped under the title of 'THE FOURTH WAY" with a QUESTION MARK because these are somewhat interpretations of what others have learned or thought about GURDJIEFF, whether falsely or not, distorted or accurate, or whether adding things or subtracting things in the usual way that people and machines often do.........Consequently, some of these things will overlap with other blogs that I have on similar topics, particularly on the Blog entitled, GURDJIEFF'S CHILDREN of whom many are here....however, there is also another focus on OUSPENKI that needs, in the eyes of many, and especially by those drawn or exposed to Ouspensky and his works, and who may have come to the 'ideas','the system', 'the work',etc as I did, via the works and writings of Ouspensky...and this will perhaps give ampl treatment to such....